Reaching Across the Distance - Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012

Reaching Across the Distance - Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012

- Listen to : Reaching Across the Distance - 

Love Letters for Valentine’s Day 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
3:00 pm  Pacific                6:00pm Eastern
with music by David Lynch
A Live look at Love Letters and Poems Through History 
- Reaching Across the Distance
Join us in an Interactive exploration of the heart. 
Listen LIVE on
hosted by Michael Lawshe and Keri Dearborn of

Love letters can reveal the true personality 
of the individual that puts pen to paper.

Love letters can bridge time and place. 
And they come in many different forms.

Sometimes a love letter offers the love of a friend 
and reaches across desolation 
to bring the recipient back to the world of the hopeful.

Sometimes the loss a letter conveys is unexpected. 
A few words can bring the reality of home
across an ocean 
to a distant battlefield. 
The love can be written between the lines.

Some love letters are the trumpets that herald 
the return of their author. 
These letters leap across time and miles
to escort in the future. 

Do something different this Valentine’s Day, 
reach across the distance  
with a love letter written in your hand
speaking your words. 

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