
Showing posts from February, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 - Where will YOU be?

On August 21, 2017, the United States will be able to experience a rare astronomical event!  A Total Solar Eclipse will cross the Pacific and make landfall just south of Portland, Oregon and exit into the Atlantic Ocean in South Carolina.  Where will YOU be? Wait! Where can I see it?  How can I safely see it?  Will it be visible near me?  This and more will be discussed in the coming weeks! The two greatest sources for maps and  information where the Solar Eclipse path will be are below: If you click on the maps they will open in a new window. Xavier M. Jubier    If you click on Jubier's interactive map, it will display information on duration and partiality/totality.  And Fred Espenak's  Eclipse map/figure/table/predictions courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,