Videos - Press

AZAD Conference 2012 Promo 
Written, Produced and Directed 
by Eclipse-1 Media

Water Themes! 

Take a Trip out of Victoria Harbour - in A Zodiac - to visit local residents: ORCA  

(Take a zodiac trip to visit some special local residents.)

Catch a View and Catch a Pike, Squanga Lake, Yukon, Canada 

Birds and Marine Mammals of CA Channel Islands (long & short-beaked common dolphin, blue & fin whale) 

Sea Birds on Great Barrier Reef, Michaelmas Cay, Queensland, Australia

Plunge into a California Tide Pool (sea stars, swell shark, sea cucumber, garibaldi fish)  


"The Earth Minute"; Eclipse-1 Media

All media (text, images, audio, and video) is the property of Eclipse-1 Media unless specifically stated and may not be used without attribution and permission. For permission contact

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